英国伯明翰大学Martin Strangwood教授来访上海大学

创建时间:  2012/03/19  郭远益   浏览次数:   返回

应上海大学科技处邀请,英国伯明翰大学Martin Strangwood教授将于2012年4月10-12日来我校进行学术交流。来访期间,将在材料学院作学术报告。

题目:Characterising and Developing Materials for Enhanced Performance Sports Equipment ?




Martin Stangwood教授主要工作经历简介:

Martin Strangwood is a senior lecturer and runs the Phase Transformations and Microstructural Modelling Group. His research interests lie in the quantification of structures and properties for a range of materials, relating these to processing conditions, composition and eventual properties. 

The physical relationships established are then used with thermodynamic and kinetic models to optimise processing and composition combinations. Much work has been carried out on various grades of steel, although aluminium-, titanium-, nickel- and copper-based alloys also feature. Processing steps investigated include casting (continuous, ingot and ESR), reheating, rolling, forging, heat treatment and welding.

As well as structural metallic alloys various composites, polymers and ceramics have been studied. The polymers and polymer matrix composite applications are often related to sports such as golf, cricket, cycling, hockey, rowing and running. He has been invited to give many presentations on the use of materials in sports equipment. He has been consulted by a number of sports bodies.

He has published over 200 refereed papers and contributed 10 book chapters.

上一条:凝固课题组研究生参加2012年CITIC-CBMM R&D项目报告会

下一条:英国利兹大学Yulong Ding教授将来访上海大学